
Salesforce Learning

Using PMD for Static code analysis for apex

PMD is very well known source code analyzer for Java, android and many more languages. It supports now Apex. You might be thinking how can we make PMD as part of our daily life ? There are many ways We... Continue Reading →

Salesforce API

Salesforce provides a WSDL (Web Service Description Language) files. They are called "Enterprise WSDL" and "Partner WSDL". A WSDL is an XML-document which contains a standardized description on how to communicate using a web service (the Salesforce API is exposed... Continue Reading →

Metadata API

Metadata API Use this API to retrieve, deploy, create, update or delete customization information, such as custom object definitions and page layouts, for your organization. This API is intended for managing customizations and for building tools that can manage the... Continue Reading →

Custom Controllers

Custom controllers contain custom logic and data manipulation that can be used by a Visualforce page. For example, a custom controller can retrieve a list of items to be displayed, make a callout to an external web service, validate and... Continue Reading →

Standard List Controllers

The standard list controller allows you to create Visualforce pages that can display or act on a set of records. Displaying a list of records is a basic behavior of almost all web apps. An Example: <apex:page standardController="Contact" recordSetVar="cts"> <apex:pageBlock... Continue Reading →

Input Data – Forms

Using Basic Form Use <apex:form> and <apex:inputField> to create a page to edit data. Combine <apex:commandButton> with the save action built into the standard controller to create a new record, or save changes to an existing one.   <apex:page standardController="Account">... Continue Reading →


Visualforce uses the traditional model–view–controller (MVC) paradigm, and includes sophisticated built-in controllers to handle standard actions and data access, providing simple and tight integration with the database. These built-in controllers are referred to generally as standard controllers, or even... Continue Reading →

Visualforce Basics – 2

A Visualforce expression is any set of literal values, variables, sub-expressions, or operators that can be resolved to a single value. Method calls aren’t allowed in expressions. The expression syntax in Visualforce is: {! expression } Anything inside the {!... Continue Reading →

Salesforce Maps

Maps are pretty useful and can make your code more readable and efficient. In particular, maps can be instantiated in a number of ways. Here is the standard way of instantiating a map: Map<Id, Account> accountsById = new Map<Id, Account>();... Continue Reading →

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